There are two books in Ikigai Bio-Hacking. The first one is Ikigai Bio-Hacking: Bio-Hacking Based on Japanese Natural Health, and part 2 is Live Wiser, Not Smarter: Bio-Hacking Based on Japanese Natural Health.

Ikigai Bio-Hacking: Bio-Hacking Based on Japanese Natural Health

Are you interested in bio-hacking to live longer or optimize your performance but are not sure about its possible side effects? If you are over 50, you don’t want to experiment on yourself, do you?

Then, you may want to consider an approach based on a thousand-year-old Japanese natural health, and lifestyles of actual centenarians in Japanese blue zones.

Japanese natural health is the foundation of many martial arts, healing arts, and Shugendo, a spiritual practice Ninjas adopted into their techniques.

Unlike regular bio-hacking, Ikigai Bio-Hacking focuses on natural methods. It doesn’t encourage you to implant a microchip into your body or conduct genetic engineering. It is 100% natural and organic. It is also reasonable because you don’t need to invest in equipment or supplements.

In this book, you will discover:

•When, how long, and how often to fast to gain the maximum effect while making it easy, doable, and fun by applying a Japanese concept Hare and Ke.

•When, how much, how often, and what exercises to do to gain the optimal result for your physical wellbeing, mental clarity, and spiritual development.

•The lifestyles of Japanese centenarians and Shizenha people, naturalists who are true inheritors of centenarians.

•The secret Japanese spiritual methods to help you stay mentally blissful and spiritually awake.

•Sustainable ways to bio-hack so you can live longer and perform better while saving the planet.

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Live Wiser, Not Smarter: Bio-Hacking Based on Japanese Natural Health

Boost Your Healthspan Like a Japanese Centenarian

Tired of chasing the latest biohacking fads? Knowledge is power, but wisdom is the key to longevity.

Discover the power of wise biohacking, inspired by ancient Japanese traditions and the latest scientific breakthroughs.

This is the sequel to Ikigai Bio-Hacking, and it offers a comprehensive guide to increasing your healthspan with up-to-date information, covering diet, fasting, exercise, heat and cold exposure, sleep, and brain optimization.

In this book, you'll unlock:

The ideal diet, drawing inspiration from both Japanese and Mediterranean diets, uncovering the secrets of the gut health among Japanese centenarians.

The optimal fasting protocols for autophagy (cellular renewal) and gut health, without sacrificing protein intake or circadian rhythm alignment.

A balanced, personalized exercise routine, combining the best of well-rounded fitness with a sustainable and enjoyable routine that fits your lifestyle.

The Japanese approach to heat and cold exposure, exploring traditional Japanese nightly bathing rituals to align with the circadian rhythm and the modern sauna trend called Totonou to boost your mindfulness.

The wisdom of centenarians, discovering a new dimension to health and longevity, beyond the competitive fitness culture, by learning to slow down and prioritize balance, just like a wise turtle.

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